
Scottish Strategic Network for Diagnostics (SSND)

In September 2022, the Board of Chief Executives approved the establishment of a Scottish Strategic Network for Diagnostics (SSND). The SSND aims to build on the achievements of current and past transformation programmes, including SRTP, under new governance arrangements.

As part of this process, the Scottish Radiology Transformation Programme (SRTP) governance has been stood down; the DiSSG governance has been replaced by the SSND governance. The SRTP team has developed a work plan which outlines areas to be considered as part of the wider priorities of the SSND. These areas have been designed to build on the work to date, informed by feedback from stakeholders. 

If you have any questions about the DSN please contact the team through the SSND mailbox

SRTP Governance from 2020 until March 2023

SRTP reports to the Imaging Executive Board (IEB), which is accountable to the Diagnostics in Scotland Strategic Group (DiSSG). This governance structure aims to provide a cohesive approach for strategic oversight of diagnostics services across the NHS in Scotland. The IEB first met on 11th May 2020, and the DiSSG met for the first time on 22nd June 2020.

Imaging Executive Board

The Imaging Executive Board is chaired by Hamish McRitchie and has delegated authority in relation to radiology services. The wide-ranging membership of the Board brings a clinical and multi-disciplinary focus and regional perspective to discussions.

The Imaging Executive Board owns the vision for radiology service transformation, development and quality improvement in Scotland. The Board supports the operationalisation of planned activity and also provides a vehicle for service-led improvements. The Board is accountable for ensuring that the SRTP achieves its anticipated outcomes.

Diagnostics in Scotland Strategic Group

The IEB is accountable to the Diagnostics in Scotland Strategic Group (DiSSG) and, through the DiSSG, to the NHS Chief Executives Group.

The purpose of the DiSSG is to ensure the continued coherent development and delivery of high quality, value focused, diagnostic services; taking into account the strategic direction set by the Health and Social Care Delivery Plan and the National Clinical Strategy.

The group is accountable for overseeing the delivery of relevant transformation programmes, including the SRTP, and is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the programmes achieve the required outcomes, and that the benefits for diagnostic services in Scotland are realised.