Artificial Intelligence

Update: Whilst SRTP’s involvement with AI in Radiology has come to an end, the good work continues regionally and locally, with software being evaluated and validated based on the work and collateral produced by the AI Steering Group, led and motivated by Dr Mark Hall. AI is a huge area of opportunity for the Radiology service to help prioritise and organise urgent cases and allow the dedicated staff to focus on what they do best, diagnosing and recommending outcomes and delivering a high standard of care to our patients. We look forward to work having been done here resulting in improved patient pathways for years to come.


With Artificial Intelligence (AI) becoming more prevalent in radiology, and with growing interest in this type of technology and its’ potential, the aim of the AI project is to put in place a structured nationally co-ordinated approach to help ensure maximum benefit and avoid duplication of effort.


  • To investigate how AI could help address service demand and capacity issues.
  • To identify the clinical areas where AI might deliver best value.
  • To identify the potential challenges and constraints of AI.
  • To set up a national AI group for radiology in Scotland.


Identify the current AI activity in radiology services in Scotland and create and maintain a National Registry of this activity.

Conduct a National Needs survey to assist with the creation of a national strategy for AI in radiology in Scotland, focused on products that could help address those needs. 

Identify a clear route to adoption with national standardised templates for the introduction of AI solutions from inception, through procurement and into deployment. Ensuring that the appropriate clinical, technical, financial and legal governance is followed in the process. Educate the current and future radiology workforce in the benefits of AI and dispel the myths surrounding the use of AI in modern medicine, by using proven examples of the use of AI in areas such as chest X-ray analysis – to help shorten the lung cancer pathway, osteoporosis detection and large vessel occlusion detection.


Working collaboratively with expert groups in this space will provide the opportunity to scope and plan AI over the coming years and ensure that the focus and direction of the national project is aligned with Scotland’s AI Strategy.

National AI Registry

Numerous Artificial Intelligence projects are underway in the NHS in Scotland. The Scottish Radiology Transformation Programme is keen to gain a better understanding of the state of AI within imaging nationally and to foster cooperation between the NHS Boards. Tell us about your AI project via the National AI Registry Form

Radiology AI Evaluation Toolkit

The Radiology AI Evaluation Toolkit has been developed to provide a suggested process and recommended documentation for NHS Boards to use when they are looking to deploy and evaluate an AI study/pilot in Radiology.

It is important to note that the Radiology AI Evaluation Toolkit does not provide information or documentation to support the evaluation of an AI solution into a live clinical deployment.

The overarching document that is available to guide NHS Boards through the Proposal Phase of an AI Study/ Trial, to the Project Phase of an AI Pilot, is the AI Radiology Imaging Evaluation Study/ Trial Implementation Checklist, which references the following templates and links to overarching guidance on the use of AI in the Public Sector/ Healthcare:

Artificial Intelligence in Scottish Radiology: Scoping Webinar, 07 December 2020

Watch the webinar on the NHS NSS YouTube channel

Download SRTP Artificial Intelligence Presentation (PDF, 222KB)
Download Dr Mark Hall – Clinical Artificial Intelligence Presentation (PDF, 849KB)
Download Susan Krueger – PICTURES Presentation (PDF, 623KB)